Wendel's German Bakery & Bistro

PRICE $ 48
Laugen Stick
【Ovo-lacto Veg.】
  • Flour
  • Yeast
  • Butter
  • Laugen Water
  • sesame
  • white
Shipping Method
Pick-up at one of our Branches (need 3-4 business days)
Chill Delivery $240
Frozen Delivery $240
  • Should you need to place the order, please check the availability with Deli 02-2831-4592 or Da'an Division 02-2711-8919 by phone in advance.
Product :
Laugen Stick
flour, yeast, butter, laugen water  
70g ±10 g
brezel pattern plastic bag
How to Store:
You can store your bread in the room temperature for 2 days, in the fridge for 3 days and in the freezer for 1 month
Refreshing your Loaf:
  • Don't store your bread in the fridge. It will get stale easily. Please store it in the freezer in an air tight Freezer bag in small portions. It can be stored for 4 weeks.
When you like to eat it: 
  • For sliced bread, please put it in the toaster. We don’t recommend the oven for it will dry out very easily.
  • For whole bread loafs, if you like them crispy after defrosting them, you can bake it in a preheated oven at 200 degree for about 5 mins.
  • Wendel's bakery products are all 100% natural.
  • We do not add any addictives and preservatives.
  • Please follow the instruction above to ensure the good quality of your bread.
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Subtotal$ 0
Delivery$ 0
Total$ 0
▍Due to the alert of COVID-19, shipping company will adjust the actual delivery date & time of shipment at times.
▍Owing to the floating delivery date, Wendel’s has suspended service on “deliverable cake session” on official website.
▍In-store Pickup Only: Wendel’s Party Cake would be supplied through reserving/ ordering by phone, online pre-ordering 3 to 5 days in advance or in-store purchasing.

▍Shipping Info:
A. In-store Pickup:
Pick up in 4 working days (ordering day excluded)
B. Shipping (Standard/ Chill/ Frozen):
Shipment would be shipped on the 04th day. (ordering day excluded)
Actual receiving date of shipment depends on the arrangement of delivery time & routine from Shipping Company.
C. Urgent order needed for In-store Pickup within 4 days:
Customer Service to Wendel's Official Website--
From 9 am to 5 pm every day except Saturdays, Sundays & Mondays, call 02-2834-5009#111 to check the availability.
Brick-and-Motar Store--
✧Wendel's Da'an Division-
From 11:30 am to 9 pm every day except Mondays, call 02-2711-8919 to check the relative availability.
✧Wendel's Tianmu Bistro-
From 11:30 am to 9 pm every day except Mondays, call 02-2831-4415 to check the ordering availability of Meals & Reservations.
✧Wednel's Tianmu Deli-
From 10:30 am to 8 pm every day except Mondays, call 02-2831-4592 to check the ordering availability of Breads & Cakes.
D. Working days exclude Mondays or public holidays.

▍Shipping Fee Info:
Standard Shipping Costs: $ 160【To ensure the overall quality of service, Wendel’s will suspend the standard shipping.】
Chill/ Frozen Shipping Costs: $ 240
In-store Pickup: Free of Shipping Charges
Free Shipping for Deliverable Items with One-time Purchase in Amounts of over $2,000

▍Method of Payment:
Credit Card (Visa/ Master Card/ JCB/ UnionPay)
ATM Online
Convenience Store Code
Virtual Account

★Credit Card: Paying with credit card enables the instant confirmation of payment. It would allow us to arrange your order swiftly.
★Other Methods of Payment: Due to the process of system, it will take 2 to 3 working days to proceed with your order. All orders will be processed upon receiving the actual payment.
★In case of any inquiries about the online products, please call 02-2834-5009#111. The customer service exclusive for online shop will be available from 9 am to 5 pm every day except Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays.
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